Humping a pillow is a safe sexual activity both for boys and girls. So, how to make it more satisfying than hand job and produce a stronger climax?
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This is my hobby.
I love this idea so I can have sex with my pillows all the time.
Watching girls fucking each other and fucking my pillow is something I will do until I get married. I also wrap my cock ann balls with thin food bags to capture my cum. I'd make sure the tip is lubricated with vaseline to reduce painful ejaculation. I just want a VR now to complete my sexual needs.
I'm 12 and I just figured this out a few weeks ago. I kinda feel as if touching my self is against my religion (christianity) but It's so fun!!!
I'm 11, and I've been humping my pillow for two years. I've never been caught, and I even taught my friend how to do it. (No, I'm not lesbian.) Anyway, I like to go slow and hard, and I like to push the pillow very hard against my clit. Afterwards, I finger myself and find my g-spot, and I come again. I can kill 2-3 HOURS doing this.
This is one of my favorite ways to cum. I've been doing this since I was thirteen and felt odd at first until I read this. I love the feeling it gives my dick. This was the first way I ever came too. I'm really glad I read this cause I felt like it was unnatural when I first did it.
You are all sick. Most of your balls haven't dropped and probably haven't started your period. Get an education and stop being hot in the behind.
Well I'm 11 and I hump a pillow. I also like hard and steady. And I love it where I put my phone on it and when it vibrates, it feels great.
I am 15 and I get horny sometimes when I miss my bf. I started jumping my pillow when I was 12 and used it ever since. It's a good way. It's safe no harm. I like to take it slowly because I love the feeling and it's also a good way to practice for when my bf (who is 15) comes over or I go to his house.
I'm a 13 year old girl, I have been doing this for 5 years. Now I really enjoy it and I also enjoy watching porn. It gives me joy.