There are times when couples have run out of ideas for activities to do together. They fall into a boring pattern of lifestyle that might actually turn into a nightmare in the long run. Also, if you ask any couple what they do to refresh themselves, they would tell you that they go outdoors and enjoy themselves. But there are times when you just want to stay indoors and enjoy. So, what could you do to surely keep boredom at bay?

Couple Activities At Home
Host a tasting night
Equip yourself with wines, tequilas, whiskey and vodka and set up a mini-tasting night at home. Consider having appropriate room temperature spring water, unsalted crackers and a variety of glasses. If you need something unique, you can also pair the wines with different canapés. Besides, you get a chance to know your partner’s wine tastes.
Run a movie marathon
This is one of the enjoyable couple activities at home. You can opt to watch random movies or select a theme that suits both of you or even load movies of your favorite actor. Buy some popcorn, drinks and settle down on your cozy sofa for a long time of uninterrupted fun.
Create playlists of your favorite songs
Another fun and old-school activity to do. Now with the advance of technology, you no longer need to make DVDs or CDs of your partner's favorite songs. But you can adopt the same technique with iPod and iTunes. In this ways, you two can get to listen to a bunch of songs together even for a whole day at home.
Go on a video game spree
Yes, both of you can participate in this totally refreshing activity. Not only your boyfriend would enjoy this, you can also do something out-of-the-box, surprise him and bond with him. You can choose from Call of Duty to Dance Dance Revolution. Actually, anything would do.
Conduct a yard sale
For a budget-friendly weekend, you can opt to host a yard or garage sale. This would not only eliminate the unwanted clutter from your home, but also provides wholesome entertainment for both of you. Who doesn’t like some extra cash coming from the unwanted things at home?
Opt for an indoor picnic
This is one of the top couple activities at home. Because it revives the romance in your lives. Just spread out a blanket, set up a picnic basket, make some yummy sandwiches and stroll around in the yard. You can also watch a romantic movie together to spice things up.
Set up a home workout routine
Make a list of your favorite exercises and yoga poses, and start working out together to burn calories and enjoy yourself. Besides exercises, you can also opt to go on a long brisk walk together. Additionally you can also check out some workout games which are fun to do.
Pamper with a DIY spa date at home
Ladies! Make a note of this. The next time you feel like going for a spa, why don’t you stay at home and try some romantic spa at home instead? Ask your partner to pamper you in the cozy comfort of your home and enjoy a amazing body scrub or facial. This will definitely spark the romance between the two of you.
Make dishes together
Admit it. Cooking together is a fun activity. And also it is one of the top couple activities at home to increase the bond between both of you. Go online, find some interesting recipes, buy the groceries and then cook and dine without any hassles. You’d surely appreciate your home cooked food.
Have a romantic DIY photoshoot
When was the last time you posed together? You needn’t hire photographers for this activity. Just set up your tripod, auto time it and then pose together in various spots in your house. When you look back at those clicks, you would be filled with sweet memories.
Observe a sunrise (or sunset) together
How romantic and mushy this sounds! You would have forgotten to watch the sunrise since the early days of your dating. Revive the lost romance with a bottle of wine, some crisps and each other. Though it is a cliché, it is sure to warm your heart.
Rewind to your past
Sit together, pop the cork in the champagne bottle and watch your wedding video together. Or you can enact some past incident where you had the most fun. You can also talk about the good old times and relive your past, relishing in the sweetest moments together.
Design a scrapbook
Check how creative you can get. Paste pictures of your wedding, your honeymoon and your family members in the scrapbook. You can also paste candid shots and write funny captions below them. Leave a few pages at the end to capture upcoming memories.
Have a board game session
Relive the games of your childhood together. Right from Chess to Ludo, you can play any game you want. If you both aren’t the logical ones, you can opt for more fun games like Carrom and Scrabble. Card games are also fun to play. One of the happiest couple activities at home.
Make home improvements together
Sit and discuss the ways in which you can improve the interiors of your home. Then, set to work towards them together. Rearrange, move and reshuffle things. This is a productive activity for couples and you’d surely feel at peace.
Create a wishlist for both of you
Brainstorm all those wishes which you had right from your childhood. Write them down. Ask your partner to do the same. Exchange your wishlists. You’ll be amazed to find much unknown information about each other. You can also start ticking off the list by doing some of the wishes together.
Offer a back rub that doesn’t end up in sex
Couples fall into a pattern of touching and pleasuring each other only when they have sex. Engage in some sexless cuddling, squeezing, hugging, rubbing and nuzzling often to increase your intimacy. Gently rub your girlfriend’s feet so that she would be relaxed or just hold hands while watching your favorite show. Do all these without any ulterior motives.
Watch your favorite cartoons together
Netflix and Hulu have hordes of old cartoons that you can stack up and watch together. You’d be surprised to find how much you both enjoy watching the childhood cartoons again. You can bring out the child in you and also learn new things about your partner. You can also share the sweet memories from your childhood.
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