The dominance of World Wide Web in the 21st century has change the way we approach various aspects of our lives. In the medical field, there has been a clear shift in the methods that we undertake towards diagnosing illnesses. In the past, people consulted health professionals regarding any symptoms of sickness. In contrast, the current population would simply search for their symptoms over the Internet and rely on foreign diagnosis with no regards to its reliability.
The prevalence of such inept and unprofessional consultation has led to medical terms being either misconstrued or misused. A perfect example is the major confusion reigning over the terms “erectile dysfunction” and “impotence”. Many unreliable sources have tried to distinguish between both terms but only served to add on to the confusion.
The most common misconception is that both terms vary in the severity of the condition. Many assume that erectile dysfunction is a temporary abnormality while impotency is permanent. Another misguided definition provides that erectile dysfunction is simply the inability to achieve an erection for sexual intercourse, while impotence is an impairment that consists of other sexual issues such as the lack of desire, failure to ejaculate and/or achieve orgasm.
It is time to settle the debate and put the matter to rest once and for all. Both erectile dysfunction and impotence stands for the same thing; inability to achieve an erection for sexual intercourse. As provided by Dr. Rodman Rogers, M.D. of California Pacific Medical Center, impotence is an inadequate and outdated term used to describe male sexual issues. Erectile dysfunction has replaced it as an appropriate term to represent the failure to achieve an erection.

Difference Between Impotence and Erectile Dysfunction
Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction
As the natural aging process starts to take its toll, the risk of erectile dysfunction comes into play as well. The older a man gets, the more chances of experiencing erectile dysfunction. According to health experts, the number of men experiencing erectile dysfunction paints a rather worrying picture.
There are approximately 600,000 new diagnosis of erectile dysfunction annually
By the age of 40,
40% of men would have experienced erectile dysfunction
5% of men are suffering from permanent erectile dysfunction
By the age of 70,
7 out of 10 men would have experienced erectile dysfunction
A quarter of the men population are suffering from permanent erectile dysfunction
With that said, it should be clarified that this form of impairment is not a natural effect of the aging process. Many older men are still able to enjoy active sexual activities, although they might need more stimulation to reach the arousal stage.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
Every individual man can experience the onset of erectile dysfunction for a variety of reasons. The most common erectile dysfunction types are caused by physical or mental issues such as
Restricted blood flow to the penis
Existing health condition
Side effects of medication
Severely lacking physical exercise
Prolonged Exposure to Stress
Depression Symptoms
High Anxiety Levels
Erectile Dysfunction Solutions
There is no doubt that erectile dysfunction is a horrifying situation to be in. Nonetheless, not every failed erection is a symptom of erectile dysfunction. Physical exhaustion, alcohol intoxication and drug abuse can lead to temporary failure to achieve an erection. For the unfortunate group of men who consistently fail to achieve erection, various method of treatments is at their disposal. These methods include:
Prescriptive Medication
Professional Therapy
Recommended Lifestyle Changes
Specific Exercises
As the first three treatments need to be administered by health care professionals such as doctors and therapists, not every man are readily acceptable towards these solutions. Fortunately, for men who prefer to rely on cheaper and more private options, they can pick up erectile dysfunction exercises that specifically help to improve their condition.
The most effective erectile dysfunction exercise is the pelvic
thrust. It helps to strengthen muscles around the pelvic area closest to
the penis and increases blood circulation that is helpful towards
achieving an erection for sexual intercourse.
This form of private
treatment is highly recommended by The Somerset Nuffield Hospital and
the University of the West of England. Both health institutes jointly
initiated a clinical trial for the duration of half a year whereby only
males suffering from erectile dysfunction were eligible to participate.
They also have to be at least 20 years old and have been unable to
achieve erection for the past 6 months. At the end of the trial,
participants who actively carried out pelvic exercises reported:
2 out of every 5 participants regained full erectile functions
35.5% of participants reported improvements in their condition
Only a quarter of participants did not notice any change in their impairment
this clinical trial is relatively small scale, it does conclusively
prove that pelvic exercises help to enhance and treat erectile
dysfunction in more than three quarters of the participant.
It is prudent for all parties involved to abstain from using the
term “impotence” and start adopting “erectile dysfunction” instead.
Although both terms share the same meaning, “erectile dysfunction”
provides a clearer understanding towards the situation as it clearly
indicates the failure to achieve an erection.
With this confusion
cleared up, men suffering from erectile dysfunction should not fret over
their inability to participate in sexual intercourse. While they might
be embarrassed to seek professional help, alternate course of action is
readily available to them. The most effective personal treatment is to
adopt a regular erectile dysfunction exercise routine.
By carrying out pelvic exercises, their pelvic muscles are strengthened and blood circulation improves. These benefits help to aid in achieving an erection for sexual intercourse. Through this method, this group of men are able to resume their normal way of life without any embarrassment or guilt again.
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